Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Oh what a day!!!

Today I had an interview. I am never doing that again. My interview was at 12:15p.m. I had to leave at 9:05a.m. It took 20 minuets to walk the half mile to the Lemon Grove Trolley Station. I had to take the Orange line to Gillespie Field trolley to the Grossmont Trolley Station. Then I had to get on the Green Line to Old Town and get off at the Fashion Valley Trolley Station. I got off and had to get on Bus route 41 UCSD-VA Hosp to La Jolla Village Drive at Genesee. Then I had to take another bus route 921 Mira Mesa to Scranton Rd at Morehouse Dr off of Mira Mesa Blvd. Then I had to walk a half a mile to Oberlin Drive. The interview was for American Income Life Insurance and not what I really wanted to do, so it was a flop. After the interview I had to walk the half mile back to the bus stop and get back on route 921 and head back to La Jolla Village Drive at Genesee. I ended up walking about 2 blocks to the Human Resources office of California Bank and Trust and personally handed them my resume since I was never getting a response back after I applied online and repeatedly left messages with the recruiter. I didnt want to head back home on busses and trolleys for 2 hours and since Spencer got off work in another hour I started walking toward where my parents work. I was only 4 miles away so I was looking for the bus that went to their work. Route 31 was no where to be found so I decided to walk it. I had already walked alot so this wasnt much more, so I thought. So I Started at UTC. Started walking down La Jolla Village Drive, and walking and walking and walking... I walked down La Jolla Village Drive, crossed the 805 overpass and thats when it became Miramar Road to Camino Santa Fe. I was about 1 mile away from my parents job when Spencer got off work and picked me up. So we stopped by and saw everyone. I figured I walked about a total of 5 miles today. I kept track of the times and it was 315 minuets, which makes 15 activity points for today. Then we went to Robbins Bros in Mission Valley and got our rings checked to keep the warranty valid (we have to do it every six months). Then because I was on the go all day I hadnt ate yet so we stopped by "Robertos Very Mexican Food". We had never ate there before. We both ordered the Carne Asada Plate. It included: about 2 oz Carne asada, 1 huge Flour Tortilla (about 10" Diameter), about half cup refried beans, about half cup mexican rice, about a quarter cup of guacamole and a quarter cup of this yummylicious salsa fresca, and a small 2 oz bag of fresh made tortilla chips. And they had the best hot carrots. I had everything but the chips and my meal was 16.5 points, but that is ok because I had only ate 3 points the whole day. Spencer had everything and his total was 22.5 points. But he worked it off in DDR tonight. I think I ended up getting home at 5:30p.m. So I, to say the least, am wiped out. At least it was an activity filled day. And I get to walk to an interview tomorrow as well but at least that one is in Lemon Grove and not where I had to go today. Well I have to finish the 10.5 points that I have left. Hope your day was better than mine.

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