Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Spencers 25 Pounds

Spencer hit 25 pounds lost yesterday. Too bad he is in Schaumberg, IL. He couldnt celebrate it at the meeting. He will next week. Also he will be celebrating his 16 weeks and our 1 year anniversary.. However I gained this week. I have no idea why. I started working and have worked my tail off this week. I stayed on plan and got 100% on plan and I didnt drink or have sugar this past week. Oh well I just hope I lose next week, or we wont be going out for our anniversary this month. It will be next month that we do. Spencer only has 12.2 pounds to lose til goal. So I hope he loses it in the next month or 2 so he can maintain for the 6 weeks and in a couple months we wont have to pay anymore for him yay!!.

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