Friday, April 19, 2013

Ready for new things!

I lost another pound this week! Didn't think I would lose so that's a good thing! I went over my allowance this week by 11. And even used all but 3 of my 19 activity points. But I don't think the Active Link counts as many points as I do when I work out.

I started The C25K program (see previous post) and since I did it my knees have been killing me. Today my left knee is still sore but almost better. My right is fine now. But they were both so sore for the last couple days. Eventually I will get it going. I should be fine for tomorrow!!!

Tomorrow is my first 5K!!! Sea World Pole to Pole 5K fun run! I am happy to be doing it with my WW buddy Vickie! I cant wait! I don't care what pace I do I just want to finish! Sea World is giving all the runners a light breakfast after. So this is going to be fun! I do plan on eating light before I get there. Carbs and protein. Planning on toast with egg whites and a banana, an orange and strawberries. That way I can get through the 5K and then have a full breakfast after.

I want to eventually do a 10K. I am thinking that if I can work on doing the 6.2 miles by May 3rd then I will sign up for the Girls on the Go 10K. But if not I will do the 5K. And hopefully mom can do it with me!

Well I have to prepare for tomorrow. I will post pics later.

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