Monday, April 15, 2013

I am back!

I know it has been a little while since I have updated. Well I am back and it will be updated more often.

Here are some things you may have missed.

I am now 43.2 pounds loss since end of August. And around 55 pounds lost since last April when I was at my heaviest.

I started adding walking to my weekly routines. I started walking on 2/18/13 and since then I have been working toward my first 5K!! I have my first 5K at Sea World on Saturday morning. I cant believe it. This is a huge accomplishment for me!

Also I have almost completly stopped using the scooter. I no longer use it to get to places. I now walk to places. I do however take it to Disneyland when we go just in case. Also I will be taking it to convention next month also. But for the most part it will stay in the car. I have not used it since February.

I do still have my health issuse that iwll never go away. If I am having an issue then I deal with it and if it is on a day that I plan on walking (Mon, Wed, Fri) then I just adjust my walking days until I feel better. These health issuses will never go away but the weight loss have helped me tremendously.

I no longer let my health issues run my life. The weight loss and activity have made me more confident in all aspects of life.

Well I just wanted to update and I will do so more often.

Thats it for now.

1 comment:

Chrissy said...

So proud of you sister! You are doing amazing & it shows! You are such a tremendous inspiration to me! Love you!!!