So as some of you may know We are having our one year anniversary on March 24th. One whole year and it has been an amazing one. And many more to come. Well since we got tax return at the beginning of February, I decided to give Spencer his gift early. So here is a little background on Spencer: He loves movies, music and computers and his guitar and drums. I mean anything Audio Visual he loves. I mean come on that’s also his job and I don’t think he would trade it for anything (well ok maybe more money). But anyways, He owns like over 350 CDs and over 300 movies on DVD and VHS. Well we even have our "den" (or living room if you considered it, since we live with another couple, the 3rd room is our living room) anyways our den is setup really cool. In the middle facing the closet is our couch/loveseat. The closet has the TV armoire in it and it has a subwoofer in there and 2 speakers. Also there are 4 more speakers around the room as our surround sound. And on the closet we have the velvet red curtains like that of an old movie theatre, and they pull back with gold roped tassels. We also have his guitar and amp and computer in the rear of the room. Well since he loves his movie theatre room I decided to get him his own lobby for it. So see the attached pictures and you will see what I mean. Oh and by the way he loved it!!
So that night I gave it to him and we had hot dogs 1 point each (yes I found 1 point hot dogs) and 2 points for each bun, and we had old fashioned kettle popped popcorn 1 point per cup. It was delicious. That weekend we had friends over to watch movies in our new movie theater.
So he ended up buying me a really nice dress for our anniversary that I am going to wear to dinner on the night of our anniversary (pending we have money. We are planning on going to a seafood place because I want seafood and have been craving it lately. So if anyone knows of a nice classy formal seafood place in San Diego where you have to dress up to go to (not Red Lobster but waaaayyy nicer with slim to no kids), Please let me know. I'll post pics of me and Spencer all dressed up for dinner next month, so you all can see my beautiful new dress!!
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