Saturday, May 4, 2013

My newest find.

First off let me just say I did gain 1.2 pounds this week. But it was expected. But I am surprised it wasn't more with three days at Disneyland.

I wanted to let everyone know about something that I have used in the past but has now become a staple in our house. I started every so often buying Lavash bread. And using it for different things. I recently bought a package and my dad got into it and he thought he wasn't going to like it. He thought it was going to be dry and  not that good because its healthy. Well he was pleasantly surprised when he tried it and he loved it!

I use this bread for everything. I will give some meal ideas later but first I am going to give you the specs.

I get this bread at Fresh and Easy. Each package of 6 full lavash wraps is $2.50. I have not found it anywhere else, so if you see it somewhere else let me know. They have a white lavash and a whole grain lavash. The name of it is California Lavash. I get the whole grain lavash. It has no trans fats. Low sodium. And no cholesterol. It is vegan.

Nutrition facts include: 0g fat, 10g carbs, 1g fiber, 2g protein. For half a sheet. So for half a sheet it is only 1 PPV. If you want a whole sheet it is 2 PPV for the whole grain. The white lavash comes to 1 PPV for half and 3 PPV for a whole sheet.   For the whole grain there is also 0g sugar, 70mg sodium, and 0mg cholesterol. And 60 calories per half sheet.

They can be used for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or desert. I have used them for all.

Here are some ideas.
Breakfast: I have used them in place of bread. I made scrambled egg whites and a sausage patty with some cheese and used the 1/2 lavash instead of a tortilla to make it a breakfast burrito.

Lunch: I have used a whole lavash grated cheddar cheese on it. Sliced tomatoes and put it on half the lavash. And heated it in the oven. Then I take it when it is completely melted and fold it in half and made it a quesadilla with tomatoes.

Dinner: I use a whole lavash (I have also done it half when I'm not too hungry) and put on fresh mozzarella, mushrooms, baby tomatoes, and mini pepperonis.  No sauce. I heat it in the oven until its melted and just made a a pizza!

Desert: I use half a lavash but a tablespoon of Nutella, with bananas and strawberries. Then microwave for like 10 seconds. And make it like a Nutella crepe!

You can also make sandwich wraps. Which i have not done yet. Or use it as hamburger buns. We made mini patties and used half a lavash broken into 4 pieces and made two mini burgers.

This lavash bread has helped in my food lifestyle change. Instead of a 2-4 point tortilla I use a lavash that is only 1-2 points. Instead of a 4-8 point pizza dough I use a 2 point lavash. Instead of a 4 point hamburger or hot dog bun I use a 1 point lavash! And we all love it in our household! I even just went and bought 4 packages yesterday so we could be stocked up!

I wanted to share this with my friends because it is now a staple in our house. I'm not a big bread fan so this is awesome!

I hope you all have a chance to try it.

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